NIELS KUNZE is the author of The Thousand-Petalled Lotus: The Flower of Human
Consciousness and Butterfly Dreams: The Nectar of Transformation (available in July '96 in
manuscript form). He currently resides in Fairmont Hot Springs, British Columbia where he continues
to write The New Millenium Muse in answer to the changes we all face today on this beautiful Earth.
All correspondence is greatly encouraged as communication is the keystone of global
transformation. Please address your letters to Niels Kunze P.O. Box 1050 Fairmont, B.C. VOB 1 LO, or
phone anytime (604) 345-6253 to leave a fax or message.


About the Author                     
He's a looney' I mean just look at him! Is that someone
you can trust? Enough to frighten the dullest child from a catatonic stupor!
Niels Kunze tries desperately hard to take himself seriously
 and by all social reckoning is a complete failure.
He sometimes works at a regular job at Fairmont Hot Springs, but
mostly spends his time wandering through a landscape of wild forests,
 wilder books and the very wildest of music.
He says that he's searching for a 'flutterby ' named Truth, but gets tired of
wading through all of the patercillar poop. 
Sometimes he is hard to follow, especially when leading himself astray.
Current projects he's working on include a companion CD
 of original music for the first two Muse books, the third
installment of this atrocious trilogy, a novel called Barfuss, a
book on health tentatively titled' Independently Healthy', several
other recording projects with local artists, and the realization of
Barfuss as a tangible entity. Sounds busy, but you'd never
know it by looking at him. His is an intensely mellow vibe, 
kind of like a sloth on ecstasy... after climax.
He likes to answer questions of a philosophical nature,
so freely write to his e-mail address: enki89@hotmail.corn, but 
please don't expect the answer you were expecting. And don't 
criticize his work, as he is a bit sensitive.